Photo of Silvia Goltzman Argentina

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She teaches Arts since 1983, (painting, drawing, mural projects) in different places and levels of teaching and has participated in seminaries in education for arts, and courses of History of Arts about pre-Colombian cultures. She has visited archeological centers and museums related with native cultures and with arts in general and places with cultural and artistic interest in Argentina, Peru, Bolivia and Europe.Besides, she obtained awards and distinctions in national and international level, museums and other Institutions inside and outside the country, having her works in their patrimony.

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See everything we offer you!
19.69 x 15.75 in
7.87 x 11.81 in
12.60 x 12.60 in
35.43 x 27.56 in
31.50 x 39.37 in
39.37 x 31.50 in

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Photo of Silvia Goltzman Argentina

Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, 

Teacher of Drawing and Painting, graduated at Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes “Prilidiano Pueyrredón”. She extended her professional training as a visual artist at the Taller Sur from Master Alberto Delmonte, a workshop with americanist orientation associated to Torres García’s constructivism.

She teaches Arts since 1983, (painting, drawing, mural projects) in different places and levels of teaching and has participated in seminaries in education for arts, and courses of History of Arts about pre-Colombian cultures. She has visited archeological centers and museums related with native cultures and with arts in general and places with cultural and artistic interest in Argentina, Peru, Bolivia and Europe.

Besides, she obtained awards and distinctions in national and international level, museums and other Institutions inside and outside the country, having her works in their patrimony.

Since 1981, she has participated in numerous collective exhibitions, in group or individually, in art galleries between witch we can detach Sala Gaspar, Sala Maragall, Sala Dalmau, Ernest Ventós Collection, Francesc Mestre Art de Barcelona, Muro de Valencia Gallery, Art Sud de Toulouse Gallery and Galerie Intemporal de París, as well as in Museums from Argentina and Spain.

In 2008 the 4 Cantons de ?Olot Galerie, edits a book from the artist, with her more recent works.

Most of her exhibitions in Europe are under the sponsorship of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Argentina.

Some owners of her works.

In Argentina:

Arroyo Gallery, (Capital) Abstract Art Museum al Sur (Capital) Hoy en el Arte Gallery, Capital Municipal Museum Juan C. Castagnino (Mar del Plata) Korean Embassy.(Capital) MACLA (Latin American Contemporary Arts Museum) La Plata. Provincial Museum of Fine Arts (La Plata), Municipal Museum of Fine Arts from Tandil, (Bs.As.) Ahrus Gallery, Rafaela, (Sta. Fe) Municipal Museum from Junín, (Buenos Aires) Provincial Museum of Fine Arts from Tres Arroyos. (Bs. As.) Ahrus Gallery Collection, Rafaela, (Sta. Fe.) Individual Collections

In Spain:

In Barcelona: Ernest Ventós Collection, Francesc Mestre Art, Sala D’Art Maragall. In Valencia: Muro Gallery, Arte Xerea. Ayuntamiento de Fraga, Fraga. Antoni Pinyol Gallery, Reus, Tarragona. Plaza Gallery, Palma de Mallorca. 4 Cantons de Olot Aragonesa de Arte Gallery, Zaragoza. Antoni Pinyol Gallery, Reus. Ricardo García Prats, Fraga.

Individual Collections.

In France:

Art Sud Gallery, Toulouse. JLS 13 Gallery, Paris. Galerie Jacques Levy, Paris. Intemporel Gallery, Paris.

Some Achieved Prizes

1987 2d. Prize. (acquisition) IV Salón Trienal de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Provincial Museum of Fine Arts, La Plata., Argentina. 1991 1st Prize Acquisition (Europe Trip) Painting Hall « Los viajes de Cristóbal Colón » Italian Consulate in Mar del Plata and Castagnino Museum. ( Mar del Plata, Argentina.) 1992 2d Prize Painting. Hall « A 500 años de... » Región Cultural II , Cuenca y Costa Atlántica, Dolores, Buenos Aires, Argentina . 1993 Mention of Honour, Banco de la Provincia de Buenos Aires’ Painting and drawing Hall. 1st Prize. (acquisition) Painting. XVII « Mar y Sierras Hall» Municipal Museum of Fine Arts from de Tandil, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Especial Mention. XII Provincial drawing and painting Hall. Municipal Museum of Fine Arts from Tres Arroyos, Buenos Aires, Argentina. With Honors, COAP Hall from Benito Juarez, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 1995 1st Prize. (acquisition) Fiesta Provincial del Trigo, Municipal Museum of Fine Arts from Tres Arroyos, Buenos Aires, Argentina 3rd Prize painting. Visual Arts Regional Hall. Balcarce’s Municipality, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 1996 Mention Pintores bonaerenses Hall, Colegio de Kinesiólogos de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina 1997 Mention. Nacional Arte and cinema Hall, Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina 1999 1st Prize .(acquisition) III Osde visual arts Hall, short format. Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina. « Escudo de dibujo y pintura » Honour granted by the Municipio de General Madariaga, to the local people. 2001 2nd prize (acquisition) Painting. Asociación Amigos Casco histórico de Fraga. Fraga, Huesca, Spain

Pedagogical Work. Artistic and Cultural Projects

From 1984 to 1990 she was a teacher of Artistic Learning, initial branch in Villa Gesell and General Madariaga.

-Professor of Visual Arts for children, in Casa de la Cultura Municipal de Pinamar y Valeria del Mar. (aca no sera of Pinamar and …etc, este error esta en algunos lugares mas

-Teacher of medium level in General Madariaga.

-Professor of Visual Arts for teenagers and adults in Maipú, Provincia Bs. As.

-She co-founds The Visual Artists Association of the region, organizing and supplying the regional integration and the assembling of expositions and cultural activities calling the artists of the neighbor cities.

-She manages together with Alejandro Viladrich The Journeys? of Visual Arts for Children and the General Madariaga’s Rural School Meetings, Bs. As.

From 1997 to 2002

-Professor of Drawing and Painting, in the workshops for children and adults in the Municipal School of Fine Arts “Divisadero” in General Madariaga.

-She creates and manages the project “Let’s paint murals in our city”, in General Madariaga, through which children, teenagers and adults paint and draw walls, with full support and participation of the community.

Under her conduction, 35 street murals were made and some others in the municipal Hospital, murals that became part of the tourist attractions of the city. (Obtaining the Provincial 1st prize for Murals in the Torneos Juveniles Bonaerenses)

She teaches Drawing and Painting in “Taller Sol” from General Madariaga,

Since 2006 to the present she teaches Drawing and Painting in the Escuela Superior de Formación Artística Nro 500 in General Madariaga



      D`Art Maragall Hall, (collective), Barcelona. (donde pones hall es gallery)

      Hoy en el Arte Gallery, (collective), Argentina.

      Contenedor de Arte, (collective) , Valencia.


      D’Art Maragall Hall, (collective de Nadal) Barcelona.

      Muro Gallery (collective), Valencia.

      Expoartistas (T.Sur) Cultural Center Borges, Argentina.

      Expotrastiendas. (T: Sur) Centro Municipal de Exposiciones, Argentina.

      Arte y Parte Gallery. (together with A. Viladrich) Argentina.

      Feria Anteclásica. (together with A. Viladrich), Argentina

      Hoy en el Arte Gallery, Pinamar, Argentina. (Tribute to Delmonte)


      D’ Art Maragall Hall, (individual) Barcelona

      Muro Gallery, (joined with A. Viladrich) Valencia.

      Arte Madrid, Feria de Arte, (collective), Muro de Valencia Gallery no será Muro Gallery of Valence? O simplemente Muro Gallery, Valence.?

      Arroyo Gallery, Capital, Argentina (individual)

      Museum from Lujan, Desde la ventana, collective. (Hoy en el arte Gallery)

      Expotrastienda, feria de arte, T sur, (Capital, Argentina.)

      Palacio Montcada, Ayuntamiento de Fraga, Spain.

      Esencias 11, Ernest Ventos Collection, collective, Spain.

      Arroyo Gallery (Gallery nights) Collective, Capital, Argentina.


      D’art Maragall Hall, Código de Barras, collective, Barcelona.

      Antoni Pinyol Gallery, Reus, Spain, (together with Alejandro VIladrich)

      Expotrastiendas, Feria de arte, T Sur, Argentina.

      Tribute to Paul Klee, Cámara Suizo Argentina, Capital, Pinamar, Hoy en el

      Arte Gallery.

      Arroyo Gallery, collective, Capital, Argentina.


      Maragall Gallery, Barcelona, Spain, (individual)

      Intemporal Gallery, Paris, France, (collective)

      Ernest Fleck Gallery, Barcelona, Spain (collective)

      D’art Maragall Hall, Barcelona, Spain, (collective)

      D’art Maragall Hall, Barcelona, Spain, Forum de las Culturas, (collective)

      Hoy en el Arte Gallery, Bs. As., Argentina joined with Alejandro Viladrich.

      Muro Gallery, Valencia, Spain, (individual)


      Panorama 2003, Muro Gallery, Valencia, Spain (collective)

      D’art Maragall Hall, Barcelona, Spain. (individual)

      Pati i Museo del Palau de la Paeria, Ajuntament de LLeida, Spain, (joined with A.


      Galerie Art Sud, Toulouse, France, (Garonne Festival)

      Expotrastiendas, Cultural Center Borges, Collective, T. Sur, Capital, Argentina.

      Francesc Mestre Art, (Collective), Barcelona, Spain.

      Eglise des Courdeliers de Gourdon, Galerie art Sud, (collective) France.


      Nadal 2002. Exhibition Decembre, D’art Maragall all, Barcelona.

      Arténim, 3rd Internacional Contemporary Arts Fair, Nimes, France. (Art

      Sud Gallery)

      Septembre des Arts, Eglise des Courdeliers, de Gourdeon, France (Art Sud,


      Galería Cán Pinós, Palma de Mallorca, Spain.

      Palacio Montcada, Ayuntamiento de Fraga, Spain. (ayuntamiento es municipalidad)

      JLS 13 Gallery, Paris, France.

      Expotrastiendas, Centro Cult. Borges, (T:Sur) Capital, Argentina.


      Paloma Alonso Hall, Hoy en el Arte Gallery, (Capital and Provincial Museum of Fine Arts from La Plata)

      Ahrus Gallery, together with Viladrich and Della Magdalena, Sta Fe, Rafaela, Argentina.

      Galerie Art Sud, Toulouse, France

      Arténim, 2nd Internacional Contemporary Arts Fair. NImes, France, together with Viladrich, Art. Sud, Toulouse)

      Provincial Museum os Fine Arts from Rafaela. Taller Sur. Sta. Fe.

      Universidad Maimonides. Bs. As, Argentina.


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